Thursday, December 29, 2011

Customer service, the lost art!

Been a long time since I posted...oh well.

Let me tell you something special.....

I don't need to tell you guys how bad most of these companies are with customer service, you guys know! And I am not talking about just the fast food joints. At least you expect it in the fast food joints.

I'm talking about both small and large companies.
I'm sure most, if not all, of you have delt with your cable provider, cell phone carrier, large retailer, etc, etc and can relate to how horrible their service is.

I want to take a second and recognize INCREDIBLE customer service.

Most of you have probably never heard of ECMtuning. In fact if you don't drive a 1990-1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse, Eagle Talon, or Plymouth Laser, there's a good chance you have no idea who I'm talking about.

ECMtuning (, provides ECU (automotive computer services) to the vehicles listed above. They started around 1997 and have been kicking butt in the DSM community since. Basically, they provide users with the ability to modify their Ecu's and enable the user to change performance parameters of their cars.

It's incredible what they have acomplished with such an old ECU architecture.

I recently had an issue and needed their help:

On Christmas Eve I mistakenly burned out my ECU. I contacted Thomas Dorris of ECMtuning around 1am for his assistance and promptly went to bed. When I woke up, I checked my email and found that he had responded back at 2:40 AM. AM...AM...This guy must not sleep. He provided me with some additional things to check.

I proceeded with the additional checks and reported back to him. He responded by 8am!
Throughout the day Thomas and I conversed about 10 times ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!

In the end, I did fry my ecu and had to send it to him for repair, not once was Thomas rude, short, or bothered. Time after time, he responded and did everything he could to help me.

I am not saying all companies need to have people available at 2 and 3am, but all companies SHOULD have people that care as much as Thomas does. He truly cares about customer service and does everything he can to help.

Here's to you Thomas! Thanks again for your stellar support!!!

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